Picture From Around the World Welcome me to this event ;) and thank you to my brother Garry who told me about this.
This happen on Thursday, 25-26 April last year, in front my apartement was a gas leakage. I'm peeping from my window for see what was, because it was very noisy and there were many fire engines. I saw 5 cars from fire dept., 8 police cars and 4 car from gas company, PT Imewo.
whaaaa scary... so lucky nothing worse happened..
stress bo... abis katanya makan korban jiwa.. hueheueu...
Baik dilakukan indah great shots yola so glad for you to come along and play as well..love the shots and very lucky nothe went bang jgh
”Around the World (Savannah Ga)”
”Around the World (Rules and Stuff)”
yup thank you to you, at least you know about oostende bit by bit from me :D
thank you for lovely comment too ;)
yep i love getting to visit every chance i get
wahhh ngeri banget Yol..........
sereem banget ya say..
Thanks for posting! I feel like Im watching CNN very exciting and great pics...Im sure that was some excitement that you couldve done without
Thanks again
That's scary!!!!
I am glad you remembered to use your camera. I hope this doesn't happen often.
hiiiih serem banjets sih Yol ? untungnya ngga apa2 ya...udah beres kan sekarang ?
sigap ya? baik yang polisi maupun yang motret =)
Bahaya banget jeung... Kami disini yang sehari-hari bergelut dengan produksi gas, klo ada alarm gas leak, udah nggak pake mikir, maunya ngacir aja nyebur ke laut....
so glad that nothing worse happened... I must say you have done a pretty great job covering the whole situation.
thanks for sharing. have a nice day.
yup ty bro.. :)
deg²an abisnya 4 hari gitu terus, jadi malem pas tidur juga tegang...
untungnya sigap say... semua rumah sepanjang jalan situ digedor hrs ninggalin cepet-cepet...
iya say, untung mereka cepet bgt...
thank you all... that very shocking... becauce I made the picture for the second day. The first day I didnt care, around here always noisy from ambulance fire dept etc...
thank you... ;)
Thank you carl, feel like I'm paparazi :)):))
udah sis... jaringan pipanya langsung diganti sepanjang jalan itu.. padahal sehari sebelomnya baru ganti pipa baru, trotoarnya diganti ama tegel baru...
hueheuhueu.. ya kenang²an selama di oostende kang :D
big hugs tonight yola how are you and the little ones
pasti bapak bisa bayangin paniknya disitu yaa kek apa...
thank you piggy... have nice day for you too ;)
thank you, we're good today.. the little ones, both of them already make noise, like always :))
outside still falling little snow but sunny day :)
kl aku udah takut tuch dan mikir2 mau kemana cara pengaman.
Im glad you are not hurt and your home is OK, scary stuff living in a city.
ooooh MG untungnya ga kenapa napa tempatnya teh Yola...
Ohhh Gosh... seyem say...
itu juga dah digedor² polisi suruh pergi cepet-cepet kak..
thank you betty, yup living in the city wed must ready to go everytime when happen...
nya yul, sempet weh panik sepanjang jalan eta...
iya thx dah lewat... ternyata sebagian pipanya emang dah tua, hrs ganti...
iiiiihh serem banget... untung gak pa apa kan..
iya aman udah.. sebelomnya emang mencurigakan kok bau gas... sekitar rumah tuh...
ngeri bgt say....
just come by to drop off a hug or two yola
Wow... what a thing to live through... glad it turned out alright in the end... Sorry I took so long to get here...
Kapan ya gw ke Oostende........hmmmmmm
Scary! and in such a pretty part of Oostende.
Waduh, gas bocor. Di Indonesia lagi krisis gas sekarang...
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