Picture Perfect ..::: Illumination :::..
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I love this part of my house this is the corner from my window, where my lovely flower collection stands and in the other corner is another favorite place where my daughter play in her play pen. That place is always bright, more life then any other room from my apartment.
wah...cakebbb...foto yg di atas..nice compo!! cakeb! :)
thank you to :)
baguuuuus photo2nya Yo...
gimana sih caranya? ajarin dunks to? hehehe..
cakeeeeep bgt nih photos nya say
itu cutie pie gi jemuran
Very pretty shot. Well done.
Beautiful! Adorable baby there! http://lorasprouls.multiply.com/journal/item/85
thx Lin.. ;)
klik yg paling atas picture perfect, langsung ke link event ini...
cantik sekali say...modelnya keren tuh..
wow bagus baget say.....
aku belum bikin habis itom pemalas :(
wah bagus tuh yola......heheheheehehhee
keren say banget say..
wah nyokap..kalo liat tanaman kaya gitu bisa kalap tuh..
Keren ........ aku gak bisa moto Yol, ajarin dunk....
Absolutely beautiful...both the flowers and the baby. I would love to have a window like that.
ahhh sweet ronny lovely shot as always and def a great choice this Ty for visiting my “Illuminated Water Lilly”
jgaryhillstudio “Illumination”(click me)
“Pic Perf Illumination”(click me)
aihh cantik2 banget tanamannya...si adek jg lutuuuuuuuu..pengen coel pipinya :)
Very Pretty!!!
sun shiny day.........
What a beautiful way to start my day out.....thank you for sharing a piece of your heart and home with us.
Beautiful pictures I totally love the plants by the window.
Here's my take: Illumination
So much sunlight! What a beautiful space to spend your day.
Here's mine.
nice lighting by the window... love it Yola!
poto bunganya keren
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH AAAAHHHHHHHHH... the flowers are so wonderful but the BABY WOW. That crib is beautiful only out done by your baby's glance at you. Great shots.
bagus amat hasian , si Butet udah gede ia
wahhh apik tenan mba...
Natural light is still the best type of illumination. Those plants look quite healthy and happy.
I love house plants, they seem to make a home.
Beautiful indeed! The sun illuminating all the lovely plants and your baby gorgeous face.
Makasih udah mampir ya......
Both beautiful !!
bungana mani seueur kitu...di appart saya kurang sinar matahari cuma bentar aja sinarnya ...komo mun mendung teu aya samsek...lg apa teh ?
here is mine
I love the way the plants are almost glowing in the sunlight :-))
Plants & babies need sunshine to grow :-)
"Illumination" - for Picture Perfect
Awesome lighting!
gorgeous! I wish I had that kind of light in my house! I'd have a bunch of plants as well!
the greens are SOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo awesomeeeeeee ... Oh my gosh ... and I love the way the darker part of the picture frames the flowers ... 9.75 woofs! ...
woww.... excelent lighting mbak, I like it. The first picture is really great.
Here is mine
yolaaaaaaa,.. gambarnya keren banget
thumbs up say
great shoot
Ohh that is beautiful!
Beautiful pictures, and a gorgeous baby!
lovely...and well illuminated :)
Simply lovely...
Beautiful!!!!!!!!! to both pictures
I like those pictures. The plants are beautiful in that light. http://laney3.multiply.com/journal/item/383/Picture_Perfect_Illuminated
Wonderful photos and lovely take on the theme.
your neighbors are very lucky too to have a beautiful sight of your plants by your window :)
Very lovely both pix :0)
I had to come take another peek....I may borrow your idea of the plants on glass in the window...
and that baby makes me want to snuggle up.
bagus ya Yol ?
apalagi ada si geuliz kembaran dikau
So pretty,the sunshine through the window,and the baby is beautiful!
Beautiful colors in your flower window, and it looks as though your flowers and plants love the illumination that the sun brings into them!!
I am sorry, but your baby's picture did not load all the way.
Love the plants and what a beautiful daughter. I love the way the sunlight is captured on her little profile accentuating her beauty. http://flutterbee1952.multiply.com/journal
Hey Yola!
Lovely photos! Your daughter looks so adorable, especially in that color! Your plants are awesome also. I love plants and flowers! I have lots of plants indoors and always have tons of flowers outside. Your neighbors are lucky that they also get to see the plants. Take care and have a great weekend!
thx u say :x hueheueu berjemur... :)
thank you nona, you also great shot :)
thx sis, modelnya kan kayak tantenya :x
wah kak, sabar tunggu summer kali kak...
thx u say nola... jadi pengen cepet-cepet kesitu.. tunggu bulan mei :D
thx say...
hueheueue mertua gue juga liat ini kalappp :D
pasti bisa say.. hasil punya elo keren-keren bangettt :x
thank you... yup you can tray fuzzy.. just buy on the store, you will have it :)
and thank you to... honestly I like the flowers stand in front the windows...
thx u say... ya semoga gue bisa ketemu elo kalo ke antwerpen yaaa :x
thank you and your shot also beautiful.. ;)
yes cherrie, thank you for great theme too :)
Thank you Lin... ;)
trims kak... iya udah besar dia skrg... pangling deh kalo liat...
makasih say...
trims mbak... :)
Wow very refreshing picture... illuminating indeed!
my entry: Picture Perfect - Illumination
thank you, sorry I cant reply to your ppf but very nice sunset :)
Very nice shots, well taken
Picture Perfect - Illumination
bagus pin, hijau...hijau...hijau...pengen euy..
Beautiful, I love how the flowers look like they glow.
What a lovely and bright corner! So are those Jammies! LOL Love it. Great PP!
What a wonderfully bright window, brings so much life to an apartment.
Beautiful pictures!
salut euy
nice shot on the baby!!!
Beautiful plants. Nice shot!
Here's mine: http://natty013.multiply.com/journal/item/31/Picture_Perfect
cantik Yol fotonya
oiya, aku yg illmunation ini gak ikutan, waktu itu masih sakit sih... pdhal banyak banget fotoku utk tema ini :D
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