Monday, April 7, 2008


Chickpeas are a helpful source of zinc, folate and protein. They are also very high in dietary fiber and hence a healthy source of carbohydrates for persons with insulin sensitivity or diabetes. Chickpeas are low in fat and most of this is polyunsaturated.

One hundred grams of mature boiled chickpeas contains 164 calories, 2.6 grams of fat (of which only 0.27 grams is saturated), 7.6 grams of dietary fiber and 8.9 grams of protein. Chickpeas also provide dietary calcium (49-53 mg/100 g), with some sources citing the garbonzo's calcium content as about the same as yogurt and close to milk. According to the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics chickpea seeds contain on average :
* 23% protein
* 64% total carbohydrates (47% starch, 6% soluble sugar)
* 5% fat
* 6% crude fiber
* 3% ash

There is also a high reported mineral content :
* phosphorus (340 mg/100 g)
* calcium (190 mg/100 g)
* magnesium (140 mg/100g)
* iron (7 mg/100 g)
* zinc (3 mg/100 g)

source : Chickpea
NB : Good for substitute Soya Bean


Terrence W said...

Hi Jola:
I eat lots of chick peas, mixing them with black beans to make my own fat-free version of "Refritos". And of course, I love hummus, with lots of garlic and lemon juice, and make it about once a week. I knew most of the nutritional information but it's good to have a reminder that not only do garbanzo beans taste great in lots of dishes, they're also highly nutritious.

~ Ñolla ~ Van Latu ~ said...

apa tuh yola...hihihihihih

budi yati said...

suka lihat dimasakan India/Bangladesh

inongi inongi said...

apa pula itu anggi bah....

Dyah Wahyu said...

sama ga dg kacang lentil yg bisa dibuat kuah dhal ama oraqng india?

Siska WP said...

o gitu yak yol ? ya deh

istirahat ;)) said...

betul itu dia POIS CHICHES... kalo disini buat makan couscous teh.. KAlo berhasil bilang2 ya....

citytown triefince said...

itu semacem pengganti kacang kedele say... ;)

citytown triefince said...

Hi bro, thx you. I really just known yesterday. This bean chickpea like soya bean, the taste and texture...

citytown triefince said...

iya mbak, krn disana gak ada kedele jadi diganti pake itu...

citytown triefince said...

mirip kedele kk...

citytown triefince said...

iya kayak lentil juga... disini pake tomato sauce

citytown triefince said...

hihihii jgn serius ah *jitak hihihi...

citytown triefince said...

iya sip nti dikabarin yaaa ;)