Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Devil's Own

Genre: Action & Adventure
Director: Alan J. Pakula
Writers (WGA): Kevin Jarre (story)
Release Date: 26 March 1997 (USA)
Plot Outline: A police officer helps a visitor from Northern Ireland, only to discover that he has a potentially deadly secret. Cookstown-native Frankie McGuire (Brad Pitt) saw his father gunned down by loyalist paramilitaries at the age of eight, and when he grew up he joined the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), determined that one day he would avenge his father's death. A Volunteer, Frankie is responsible for the killing of 13 British soldiers and 11 members of the RUC, as well as many loyalist para's. After a bloody battle where Frankie's IRA unit kill a number of British Troops in broad daylight , Frankie flees to the United States. Upon arrival in Newark/New York City, Frankie is met by a judge who is sympathetic to the IRA's cause and who arranges a place for him to stay. He also provides him with a lot of money, intending to purchase a cache of stinger missiles from an underground arms dealer in America, Billy Burke (Treat Williams). Using the name Rory Devaney, Frankie moves into the home of Tom O'Meara (Harrison Ford), an honest cop for 23 years. But, Tom is already in the midst of a personal crisis; his friend and partner Edwin Diaz (Ruben Blades) recently shot a man that he knew was unarmed in the line of duty, and while Edwin wants Tom to help him cover up the matter, Tom's conscience will not allow it. When Tom begins to realize that "Rory" is not simply a man running from the violence of his homeland, he is torn between his sympathy for Frankie's cause, and his fear of the FBI, who are attempting to capture Frankie.


Andre Pelenkahu said...

mo diputer lagi di bioskop TransTV hehehe....bajakannya juga banyak disini :D

jopja - said...

boleh juga nih film, nonton aaahhh

citytown triefince said...

mau dong oom cd-nya hihihi..
gpp bajakannya juga :p

citytown triefince said...

iya lumayan, cuman logat inggris si bradpitt-nya lucu :p

Andre Pelenkahu said...

kirim kemana?

Andre Pelenkahu said...

bukan CD tapi DVDnya...region berapa?

citytown triefince said...

kirim ke bunga aja nti dia kirim ke gue ama pesenan pempek itu :)))