Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Warisan Zaman Tempeliers hehehe...

After watched movie about National Treasure (This film was the greatest adventure history has ever revealed, with Jon Voight, Nicolas Cage and Diane Kruger). And while film running, I searched at Google about tempelier and keep thinking if I have one coin about this tempelier. With curious I open my box jewellery.. yes.. I have... !!  After searched, I found out that coin was exist in 1172. And this coin I found at the beach October 2002 near my old apartment in Mariakerke. I felt happy.

Mimpi deh, kalo kawasan tempelier masih exist, pasti asik ya hahaha... Kalo gak salah di gereja deket tempat gue tinggal dulu (Mariakerke), masih ada sisa-sisa tempelier itu. Ama di tiga kota yaitu, Gistel, Slipje dan Leffinge. Kalo ada kesempatan dan cuaca cerah gue review yah yang di Gistel abis itu yang paling deket. Dan doain ya kamera andalan gue gak kumat :D


inongi inongi said...

pasti koinnya udah tua.....
ia dech mudah2an cuaca cerah dan kameranya ngak cengeng.

citytown triefince said...

hihhihii... refot ama unyil-unyilnya itu kak....

- MAYAVAREN - said...

wah..itu coin mbak?..serius?

Me Childish . said...

wah itu emas atau perak.. berapa karat teh hahaha

Ria Sujatminingsih said...

itu coin punya Teh Yola????

musti di amankan Teh...

citytown triefince said...

iya say.. itu bisa detail krn discan coinnya

citytown triefince said...

hahaha hayangna emas, sigana mah emas campur copper DK...

citytown triefince said...

iya nemu di pantai kan... butek tuh susah bersihinnya juga
segede gantelan kalung gitulah

vierly juanita said...

waaaah dapet harta karun...

Ika saja said...

wah..dapat rejeki tuh